Healing Through Movement

A Path to Inner Peace and Resilience

It is revolutionary and healthy to take at least five minutes a day to consciously breathe, reset, and move to heal your nervous system.  Enjoy these videos knowing you are healing, that these small daily practices are more effective than a weekend retreat, and that as you heal your nervous system, the collective nervous system heals.

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  • Vagal Breathing
    • 10/29/21

    Vagal Breathing

    Otherwise known as the 4/4/7 breath. Your vagus nerve runs from your brain to your gut through your heart. Stimulating the vagus nerve in this way engages your parasympathetic nervous system, a relaxation response. Relaxing in this way releases healthy hormones for thinking and digesting.

  • Humming Exercise
    • 10/18/21

    Humming Exercise

    Humming has been known for years to help us during stress, keeping our brains and spirits focused on joy and sound so we can cope with our stress.

  • Breathing to Balance the Brain
    • 10/18/21

    Breathing to Balance the Brain

    Enjoy 2 of my favorite breathing techniques to calm either strong emotions or ruminating thoughts; alternate nostril breathing & balancing breath. Increase communication between the 2 hemispheres of your brain.